Cloud software contract for Demand Logic

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Construction and use of buildings account for approximately 40% of global carbon emissions, as well having a major impact on the health and wellbeing of every human on the planet (as most of us spend 90% of our lives inside buildings!).

Demand Logic have an Ashden award-winning product that provides benefits on both those fronts. They are able to integrate with the building management and data systems of commercial buildings and provide a cloud-based platform to analyse, take action and improve building performance in terms of occupier comfort and energy use. Partner, David Short, had first-hand experience of Demand Logic as an early adopter of the system in his previous role at GE Capital Real Estate and early stage adviser to the firm.

As Demand Logic have grown from innovative start-up to major player in their field, their customer terms and conditions were in need of attention. Their SaaS product involves some hardware installation, connection to customer data systems, and storage and analysis of large amounts of data using machine learning. We were instructed to undertake a workshop with the client and to redraft their template customer contract to ensure clarity over ownership and use of data, compliance with data protection laws, protection of IP rights, as well as adapting the document to the commercial reality of their installation process and improving commercial contract points to protect the client properly.

Through working closely with the client to understand the technical aspects of their platform and use of data, as well as some of the commercial issues being experienced when negotiating terms with their major customers, we helped Demand Logic to develop a practical set of terms that should protect their position, ensure fairness to clients and users and speed up the signing process.