Lux Nova are proud to have supported Ecotricity Group on its innovative Virtual Power Plant, and local energy supply services with Gower Power.
As we previously reported, Ecotricity’s “Virtual Power Plant” offering is now up and running, and Lux Nova are proud to have assisted Ecotricity with this innovative product line.
As an exciting step on this journey, Ecotricity and Gower Power Solar Storage CIC (GPSS) have entered into a cooperation, which will include VPP services from Gower Power’s 1MW solar park and Tesla battery system at Killan Fach Farm, Dunvant, Wales. Read the news report here.
The arrangement will enable Gower Power and Ecotricity to offer services to the National Grid, the balancing market and other buyers of “flexibility”. This development is significant, as enhanced flexibility on the National Grid is a critical enabler for the take-up of more renewable energy generation.
As long-time supporters of decentralised, democratised and community energy, we are particularly pleased that this transaction will also enable Gower Power to sell electricity to local customers, as explained here. Ecotricity will provide the required energy and customer services, and top-up electricity supply when needed.
As a community interest company, the profits of GPSS will be reinvested into the local community.
The project was made possible with support from Welsh Government, with European Regional Development Funds.